Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Pelican Mother

Today was the most crystal clear cold day ever, and we were happy that we have been grounded inside. But the keeper wasn't and she headed off to a long day off which started with a funeral at her former church for the incredible Patrica. She said it wrung the soul in every possible emotion--the grief of 13 adult children for whom this mother was their rock and center--, the awe at the life she led, as the keeper said, like the eucharistic image of Christ the Mother Pelican who feeds her young from her own flesh, the peace at knowing she is finally at rest, and hopefully, being served, now. A priest who was her "14th" child gave a stirring homily about being God's favorite, and he was wracked with grief as well.

After the funeral the keeper enjoyed a warm lunch at Rays with a roaring fire and oyster sandwiches! The mountains shone in high definition and the nearly frozen waves glistened. The Golden Gardens woods were frozen, and orange leaves dangled, frozen on the branches. The sun began to set over the sound through the black silhouette web of the trees in the park. So stunning.

The keeper still didn't come home early because she had to go back down to the cathedral for a gathering for a group which she supports and is a board member for. She said she was so tired she fell asleep in Mass. And she was happy to see us and her bed. But she did feed us and we did not complain. No sign of th hamsters, though.

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