Wednesday, December 23, 2009

O Emmanuel

"O Emmanuel, come and set us free."
DO you all remember last year? This is me in the snow on the side yard one year ago today. The snow came up to the tops of my legs. This year it isn't snowing. But, Alice and I did not go out to play. I went out, yes I did. But not to play. I went to Dr. Smalley's again. She sang Tantum Ergo to me on the way there. That seems to comfort me.The keeper tells me that I am getting her more miles for her Hawaii trip. This time I had to stay most of the day. They took more fluids and did more tests. They gave me a big shot of antibiotics. They are nice there, but I howled all day. The dogs howled louder. When the keeper came to get me, they gave me presents, something called Clavamox, in two boxes. Clavamox--mox-sounds like mouse. Maybe it is a mouse. A prize for not biting the vet tech, a prize for being so good. We will see!
The keeper had some meetings and then had a lot of errands to do, even after she dropped me off at home with Alice. She said she drove all over, and even went to Northgate. The parking lot was full, but the stores weren't that busy. She finally mailed her packages, and bought the rest of the Christmas dinner. We wonder if she tried to get us those hamsters!!!??? Maybe they are in the Clavamox boxes. But those boxes are in the refrigerator. Most likely she needs to keep something alive.
So tonight we are all home, watching The Tudors and helping the keeper with her Christmas cards. When you get one, you will see our photos. They are good, we think.
Hey Biscuit, if you're reading this, hi! Same for Gabe! Happy night before the night before!

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