Thursday, April 28, 2016

Clematis and Wisteria

The blossoms at the cottage are truly beautiful right now.

The Blessing on the Terrace

The sun came out, the wind was calm until the end,
and the assembly was grateful and joyful.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

On the Road

Today she left very early and headed to Bellingham to help with the blessing of a new building for formerly homeless people. 

They got to experience Wood's coffee, much older than Starbucks---1903, Tacoma.
Their drinks come in four sizes...Spruce, Cedar, Redwood, and Giant Redwood!

Gardens at Home and Work

The Gardens at the cottage took off like rockets with the heat and rain.

And can you believe it, at her office, there is a garden program called Alley Cat Acres!
We could call ours that as well.  She has no idea how many alley cats creep by each day while she is out and I am guarding the acre.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Dream Big

Tonight I ate early.  She was off yet again, back downtown to a 25th anniversary 
fundraising dinner where  hundreds of people she knew from many parts of her life were also in attendance, including her first college roommate whom she hadn't seen in 47 years!

The food was very good.  The company better.

The pitch was big and creative!

Sheltering Mercies

This morning we did not tarry.  I ate early again.
This time she was off to give a retreat at her old church for all the people 
who help host the satellite shelter. Over 90 parishioners are involved.
They reflected on God's sheltering love and their call to become safe shelter.

She said that Pope Francis gives her planty of material very day.

They used the mats and the pillows as a focal point.

The names of the guests were ever before them as they prayed.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Asparagus is in Season

After the meeting they stopped at a fruit stand next to the diocesan offices and bought homemade pies and asparagus tarts.

To Yakima

This morning we rose very early so the keeper could go over the mountains to Yakima.
I understand it was a good day for a drive. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Waiting for Dinner

The keeper grilled chicken tonight.  She is taking tomorrow off since she is working on Saturday. 
So it was more leisurely tonight. But I was hungry and a little impatient. No matter that I already had organic salmon in my cat bowl in the kitchen. I held out for the grilled chicken marinated in balsamic vinaigrette.

A Fragrant Welcome

As the keeper began walking down the hallway to her office she was overcome with a wonderful fragrance waiting for her in front of her office door.  Lilacs from a co worker's neighbor's yard.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

For Rose from Our Deck Tonight

This posting is for our friend Rose.

The keeper came home at a decent hour tonight with enough time to go outside, water some plants and sit with me on the deck.

For all of you who read this from far away, we have been having 80 degree weather.
As you know, the keeper loves this weather.  However, we have friends who think this is hell.
We counsel patience because the onshore flow will show up soon enough!

Meanwhile, the deck is wrapped in fragrance--lilacs and wisteria, new mown grass, and laurel.
And the colors have popped bright and bold in this hot sun.
The hummingbirds strafe us on the deck, reminding us that their six feeders (yes, six now) will go dry by morning.  They are as insistent as I am. 
We have never had to water anything before June--till now.

The lights came on twinkling at the moon and lit up the newborn wisteria which is climbing all over the place.

Sunday, April 17, 2016


Near restful waters she wandered and gazed

amazed and happy.

LFP Flora

Sunday she  took a 4plus mile caminata through the neighborhood. 
I napped on the deck in the shade.

But the flowers all around us are pretty happy.
Late narcissi in the shade.


Peonies with leonine petals and wise faces.


I spent most of the day on the deck in my bed.  She didn't join me until way later, and then brough out her work. She spent most of the day being busy about many things, including standing in line at the Earth Day Shoreline Giveaway.  She brought home new trees, soaker hoses, plants, and charts to identify invasive plants. We realized that most of our yard is invasive plants. 
Also she got up close to the Flicker who hammers away at our phone poles. 
Quite a sporty dresser, I'd say!

Dusk on the Deck

Lights, apple blossoms and darkening sky

Monday, April 11, 2016

Merchant and Moon

Yes, I ate late again. It was Shakespeare night.
The Merchant of Venice., as never before, with a literature professor and a Shakespearean actor. She really likes the class, but swears she has 
never seen half of the people before. 

And as they were leaving, the crescent moon rose over the city.
It rose out here too, and I saw it from my perch.


Although the keeper worked a lot of the weekend, she still let me out to take the Sunday sun before its setting. Ah, sweet warm spring!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Dusk on Deck

This is why we love our cottage.
After a long intense day, rain or shine, we have light.

Sights From Our Garden

This morning we were up early and later today ended up on the deck together.

The keeper noted that the wisteria has just begun to blossom.

The tulips have watercolorish edges and the lilacs are starting to bloom against the house.

The grill  even housed visitors.