Wednesday, December 30, 2009
New Bowls for 2010
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
$15 Jeans!!
Holy Innocents Day
We, from our cat perches inside, were struck by the sky, the clouds that had a purple, mauve Constable quality to them this afternoon. And then tonight when the keeper got home we all went out to sigh over the fireball setting sun and the way it painted the sky all shades of pink and purple and orange. Late tonight, the keeper went out to turn off the Christmas lights and although we would have gone with her, she wouldn't let us because she tells us she loves us....
She came back and told us about how clear the night sky was and how it was blue evening in Parish velevet salted with stars that glistened like diamonds. It was the "midnight clear" of the carol. We would have preferred to see them for ourselves, but we will take her word for it. We watched Julie and Julia. It made us hungry.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
St. Stephen's Day
On the Feast of Stephen, we slept in very late. The keeper took a long walk and marvelled at the bright, clean glistening landscape--she could even see Mt. Rainier from her street. When she headed down to St. James to read tonight, she had to stop and catch the moon from the deck, and then the sunset from the St. James hilltop was breath-taking. She was relieved to know that they would not be using the reading fom Colossians for the second reading.
Merry Christmas!
Today, the keeper was back in church, she had to read. Then we got ready for the party. Candles, gifts, food, lights, crackers, dip, drinks, ice, music, fire, you know all the stuff. This year, the keeper added tattoos and British crackers that gave everyone-but us-- crowns and games. Santa had left stockings for everyone, and lots of gifts. One of the stocking stuffers was a set of 3 D glasses that let you see the angels at the ends of the Christmas lights and when you move your head, the wings flutter. Then there was food! J brought us a pork loin stuffed with garlic, artichoke tapenade and red roasted peppers, L brought an incredibly rich green salad, and tamales for all, and W made the best German mashed potatoes with carrots and chives and dill and sour cream. The keeper made sure there was enough to drink, there were enough appetizers, and plenty of desserts. We were thrilled that no dog showed up for this party.
But we will be eating leftover pork loin with the keeper for the next few days. Merry Christmas one and all!
Christmas Eve
Scenes from Christmas Eve's walk. The neighborhood was all lit up and the sun lit up the sky in the clear crisp air. The Cascades were brilliant on the horizon. It felt like San Diego without the heat, families out taking walks, people out water skiing in wet suits, and the trees are in bud. Such a switch from last year's clouds and being snowbound. Today we got ready for our Christmas dinner guests and Alice and I were a little excited. Stockings with our names on them! The keeper left for the Vigil Mass at St. James, and we waited by the tree. She said St. James was lovely and Fr. R's homily was wonderful. All of the youth readers and the children's choirs were enchanting, and the way they brought the crib characters in on decorated carts was magical.
She came home and after she went to bed, we slept by the tree. When we awoke, our stockings were full. So Alice and I ripped them open and dragged them around. We love Christmas. We don't think we will be getting the hamsters. That's ok. My vet bills are very expensive, and I would rather be alive than having a hamster. The Clavamox wasn't a mouse after all, but more medicine.Wednesday, December 23, 2009
O Emmanuel

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
O King of All the Nations
O Dawn
Night at Pomodoro and St. James
O Key of David
Sunday was a wild day for us. The keeper ran off to the Eastside and then headed down with her pack of Young Adults to one of the Lowe's stores to provide hot chocolate and Christmas presents to the day laborers there. Most of the workers had not found jobs for the day and were still hopeful inspite of the onrishing dark. The kids stayed long after, visiting with each other and the men. They had brought truckloads of bags of food and gifts, especially toys for the children of the workers, but most of the workers' children were still in the home country. But they appreciated the presence of these young people who insisted on taking all of their photos with the big banner. They were going to go to several other Lowe's before nightfall to try to give away more gifts. We think it's very impressive what these idealistic young people are doing. They themselves are immigrants and have so little, but their hearts are so generous and so attentive to those in need.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Sister's Christmas Catechism

Saturday, December 19, 2009
O Flower of Jesse's Stem

Friday, December 18, 2009
O Adonai
Thursday, December 17, 2009
O Wisdom

We begin the O antiphons today...."O Wisdom, come. You govern with strong and tender care." We could pray that prayer for a long time.
On other notes, the keeper finished her Christmas letter last night. Our pictures are on it in seasonal colors. She didn't go anywhere impressive enough to include hers. No camels or towers or views of magnificent skylines. Just us. We are impressive enough!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Decoration Monday

Bebe Brian, Jesu Bambino
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Madre de las Americas Marathon
The keeper left us last night and headed to Issaquah to the first of the Masses for the virgin of Guadalupe. It was very simple, but a lot of new people showed up and she had a wonderful time at the reception meeting people and finding new people to start projects. But she headed off into the starry night back to Bothell where she connected with all of the folks who had just finished their Mass and were eating but were also starting an all night vigil which would end at 5 am with Mananitas (the morning salutation prayer to the virgin) in the church. She said they showed her all of their new handmade dance headpieces and told her how good their story telling had been this year.

After visiting there, she headed to Bellevue and found the St. Louise crowd heading down after their Mass to the hall for the play and for sweet bread and hot chocolate. They had so much sweet bread that they sent
Before she left Bellevue, after greetings hundreds of her favorite people, she stopped in for the Midnight mananitas in the church above the hall, and it was standing room only all the way to the curb while the mariachis sang their praise and love to the virgin, children and men crawling on their knees through the crowd to place their roses at the feet of the image of the virgin. There must have been 2000 people all standing quietly, while more poured in, many just getting off of work, but all carrying bouquets of roses.
Crisp and Starry Nights

The sunsets these chilly nights have been made for movies. We got to watch them from indoors.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Dreaming of the July Heat
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
St. Juan Diego Day
The keeper left her downtown meeting to have dinner at her old favorite place now called El Farol, and visited with her friends who own it. Meanwhile we were faithfully waiting at home for our dinners. We always save a little from the morning meal in case we have to fend for ourselves. Actually, Alice taught me this. She had been a starving mother cat and knows how to ration food. She also knows how to steal it. But the keeper did not return to us for quite awhile. No, she was off to Bellevue and to a church who was celebrating Juan Diego and La Morenita with an outdoor procession ( quicker than usual), storytelling, prayers, dancers. and a pinata party.
She stayed around and had good conversations and treats and finally came home to us. She said that the night sky was sooo clear and that the waves looked frozen on the lake. We told her that was nice, but asked for our dinner. Alice and I are thinking that perhaps we should not ask for the hamsters any more but we should ask to donate funds to Whisker City, the shelter that took care of Alice. That sounds pretty noble, doesn't it?