Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday of Easter Week

It snowed this morning at our house. Can you believe it? Obviously, the keeper wouldn't let me out. But it went away eventually and it didn't stick. The keeper was out all day--downtown at the chancery and then at her office and then home. She found the little slip from the mail person which said that she couldn't leave the Amazon box without a signature. So she raced to the post office to pick it up before it closed! She made it and brought home the box with her new Kindle,cradling it like a baby. But somewhere in the mix she lost her Blackberry and she went crazy. She cleaned the car, her purse, drove back to the post office and banged on the locked doors, hoping someone would notice. But alas, no! She was going to go back to the office to see if she left it there or dropped it in the parking lot, but stopped home to feed me, and decided to set up her laptop before she left. She opened up her bag, and, voila! guess what fell out of the little bag which stores her wireless mouse? The red phone! How did it get there? Is she losing it?

I don't think so. I think she was just excited to be leaving the office! Maybe she was excited to see me. She was very excited to see the phone. Maybe even more excited than she was to see me.

Anyway...we have a new member of the household. A Kindle...The keeper has been wanting one for over a year and saved her money to get one. It's here. Tonight we will spend time setting it up. I hopes she still pays attention to me.

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