Sunday, April 18, 2010

Blue Jays Return for the 3rd Sunday of Easter

They are back! A pair of small blue jays showed up in the trees in the backyard this afternoon. They are brightest cobalt blue. But when the keeper tried to photograph them they quickly flew off. They had a lot to say, and I am wondering if they had anything to do with the keeper being hit in the head with a golf ball (no kidding) that apparently dropped out of the sky or one of the big pine trees. When she came home from St. L's she decided to finish tearing up the old big garden spot and was furiously pulling out years of dry pine needles, roots, and sticks, when the dimpled little white ball gentle plopped on her head and bounced right off of it. The golf courses are miles away and the neighbors are not we think it is the jays. Squirrels don't play golf either.
That reminds me of the movie we saw last eve--Up. We really liked the ADHD Dog, Doug, and the prehistoric female bird, Kevin. We also liked the dogs' references to the Junior Explorer as the "little mailman." It was mostly a good movie. It could have been shorter.
Today the Church prayed one of the keeper's favorite Gospel stories--John 21- instructions on how to fish and live out of a new dimension--the other side; one question with three deepening answers---which lead to the other side...out of emptiness, abundance, out of failure, forgiveness, out of death, life. And then Fr. R gave an incredibly courageous and spot on homily about the Church and how we respond to the question "Do you love me?" and how we follow. The keeper is going to put the link here to it when it comes on line. Even this cat will read it.

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