Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thank You, Veda Jo

Today I tried to get outside, but the keeper lured me back in with " treats". And before I knew it the door was shut for the rest of the day.  She had meetings in Georgetown and then had to be at her office, and then to a funeral for a lady named Veda Jo. Finally she came home and fed me.

I don't quite understand why she likes funerals.  She certainly goes to a lot of them! I have only been to one---Stassi's in our back yard, and I thought it was very sad.  But she said this one was sad but it was a lovely celebration of a daughter, wife, mother, grandmother, friend, bailiff, SU alum, shopper, traveller, party thrower, and lover of life.  One of her children catered the prime rib dinner in the new church hall.  It was a feast of words and friends and an  incredible Irish clan. Lots of reconnections with old friends and then she had to rush home to me.  And that is always good. 

I hear rumors swirling that some people are coming to take off our roof for the next few days.  I just hope they cover it back up and don't let any of those mean crows come diving down on me.
Also, I heard some mumbling about going to the vet.  I hope I imagined that.

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