Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Cyclone Days

This is the moth I have been trying to capture for days now.  The keeper caught it at rest on the garage door.  It's pretty.  I really don't want to kill it.  But I like chasing it.

It's been a little nutty here.  The keeper is pretty much recovered, and so she is making up for a few lost days.  Let's see, we had the yard people here yesterday, pruning, buzzing, sawing, weeding, raking, 5 of the them.  So noisy, but the yard looks better.  Then the keeper decided to plant tomatoes and other things, and more flowers, lupine and paint brush plants.  Then someone died from her old church and so there is a funeral to plan. Then the roofers are coming next week and so there are shingle samples on the floor.  Then the keeper is refinancing the house, so there are inspectors and mounds of paper, and phone calls.  Then the house in Ocean Shores is having some issues, and so there are more phone calls.  I am glad I do not have to be in charge of a house.  I don't know how she does all that and then leaves me all day to go to her office or where ever it is that she goes.  She keeps telling me that I might get a kitten, but so far it's shingle samples and inspectors.

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