Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Kept with Fonder a Care

This is a stranger post than usual, it has roots in the Scriptures for this past weekend.  So beware. Our week with the keeper started off just fine on Sunday, continued well into Monday morning, hit a HUGE snag on Monday afternoon, when she realized she had missed a very important event.

We have not seen her like this ever. She paced and paced and kept saying, "Oh, Dios mio," and blaming herself, saying she deserved no less than the cone of shame. You know how dramatic she can be. Now, we knew the Elizabethan collars the vet gives us would be too small, so we weren't much help. But we realized she didn't need ours, she was already wearing her own imaginary cone.

Thank God she has friends (besides us) who love her on good days and on bad and who may understand her a bit better. One told her with such compassion,  "The world is still turning, and you are still breathing,"  and she knew he was right. Later, at a dinner, her other friends truly empathized, poured drinks, and then made her laugh through the night.

Then today on her way to lunch with two of those incredible friends, a woman whom she hadn't seen in 16 years appeared out of the blue on the sidewalk, and reminded her of time in which the keeper had been very helpful and present to the woman's family during a horrible tragedy. After the woman continued on her way, the keeper's friend turned to her and said, "I think this was a sign. You can let it go."  He was right. Angels, manna, bread and salad for the journey.

She came back to us  a lot more peaceful misquoting her old friend, GMH,  "That indeed, we are kept with fonder, finer  a care than we could ever keep our lives."  We are not too sure what that  means but it got us grilled chicken and a chance to eat and play outside together.

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