Friday, August 31, 2012


We know now why we couldn't post pictures.  The keeper had used her 1 GB of free photo space.  Now she has to pay for it. They also raised my pet insurance premiums and devalued our property.  But the good news is that the keeper's favorite mechanics at Hilltop are giving her an incredible gift. After one of the newer employees forgot to replace the oil cap after filling it up yesterday, and after the oil spilled all over the engine and even squirted out the windshield cleaner all black, and after her car smelled like a Third World diesel truck today, they are sending the car to a professional steam cleaner and detailer to make up for the mistake.  She loves those people. They are so honorable. They admit mistakes and fix them. She was very panicked today, thinking she had burned out her motor or something, or feared she needed to buy a new car and she just didn't even have time to think those thoughts this week or next, let alone pay for one.


  1. How do you find out if you're getting close to the maximum 1gb? Hope the presentation went well!

    1. Well, I.F., here is how we learned we had used our free 1GB---the other day we couldn't load Ny more photos to the blog, although they were loading to our hard drive. And it wasn't til we kept digging around and finally finding My Account that the little message told us we were at 99% plus capacity. Then, it took even longer to figure out how to open a wallet so storage space can be charged monthly. It's not a tap and go kind of fix. Maybe for others, but our keeper hates following prompts and directions, so it was hard. Perhaps harder than it needed to be.

      We hear the workshop was fine. She did not oversleep, no one ran out mad or screaming. She made more new friends from all over the country.
