Friday, May 28, 2010

Keeper at ( Sick) Bay II

Well, the keeper kept coughing all night.  About 3 AM we both decided this was not an allergy.
This morning she went into her office to get work for home and, after stopping to get cough syrup, chicken soup and Popsicles--the perfect food for sick people, she came home to be with me.  If course she didn't focus much on me.  She coughed a lot.  And sat at the computer a lot, and worked while she coughed. She says she got a lot of work done because she couldn't talk, and no one could understand her or hear her on the phone. She seems to be getting better. But we had watermelon and Popsicles for dinner with pizza.  What a switch!

1 comment:

  1. I checked in to see if your kitty was back, and am very relieved to see that she is. Perhaps she was getting back at you for leaving her and going to Hawaii. Cats are like that.
