Saturday, February 9, 2013

Raised Voices for An End to Gun Violence

We had a very long day. We are very happy our keeper is such an active person with her fingers in so many pies. But we had to get up early to get our breakfast which was not too appetizing.  She headed to Renton for a Spanish Annulment workshop all morning with an energy bar and coffee. She said that the workshop started off shakily  with a prayer group who was double booked for the space. The pray-ers insisted on staying and praying aloud noisily through the first 1/2 hour of the workshop.  So much for prayer that produces courtesy.

After much more driving and more meetings in the afternoon, we thought she would come home to us, but not true. Where else could she go? Where else? She headed to the cathedral to read for a very powerful Saturday night liturgy. She said that " they did church" tonight--the music and homily helped people soar.

Did she come home then? No...she stayed for the conclusion of the procession to end gun violence which some of her friends led. The marchers came from St. Marks and filled St. James. We understand there were many of the keeper's friends in attendance. She finally returned home and we gave her our most pitiful faces so she would feel compassion for us. We received fresh food.

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