Sunday, July 8, 2012

Camino LFP

She worked at home today, which meant we were free to lounge around outside. We all got to eat outside and she read us Pat Howell's excellent piece in the Seattle Times.We waved good bye to her as she headed out for her walk through the neighborhood. See if you can find Mt. Rainier in the photo.  It's there, it just requires attention. She was gone awhile, but we understood she ended up visiting with neighbors at one of the best yard sales ever.  When she returned home she got the car and drove down to pick up a huge African basket, which will go where? in this little sailboat of a house and a French sweater. Then she brought her work out to the deck until it was time to head to the cathedral to read. We were told that a boy choir from Montreal sang and the opening prayer spoke about abasement (not a part of a house) at which she made a very bad face, but she thinks she wasn't alone in this. She liked the homily and the focus on weakness/strength. And later she showed us the Huffington Post article that recommended Jean Vanier for the Nobel Peace prize. 


  1. Is that from the Burke-Gilman trail? That is spectacular.

  2. As a matter of fact, it is on an upper street overlooking the trail and the Sheridan Beach Club. There is a viewing bench there. The trail is about 25 yards below.
