Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Rainy Tuesday

      We were looking forward to another set of sunny days so we could go outside with the keeper on her days off.  Well, she went outside, in her car, to appointments and errands all day yesterday. While she was gone my sister, Lady Alice, coughed up a very unladylike hairball all over the silk chair, the shutters, the wall, and the window. We wondered when it would be noticed.  We did not think it would be a happy day.  It rained again today, so it was noticed.  We were hoping that she would have brought in a cleaning person by now, but no, she soldiers on trying to do it all.  We really think this is an avoidance mechanism so she doesn't have to sit at the computer and write the articles she is supposed to be writing. We think two of the chairs are going to be recovered now and we heard her grumbling about needing vinyl covers.  We doubt she would stoop that low.
     Meanwhile it keeps raining.  The keeper tells us it always rains really hard when a good woman dies.  Her friend J's mother died last week, and another friend's mother as well.  It rained when the keeper's mother died. But the new grass is coming up and I am tasting the tender shoots every chance I have to go out.  A nice flavor, indeed.

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