Sunday, May 17, 2015

A Proper Introduction

Most of you who have spent anytime reading this blog know that we have Kittyrood in our back yard under the wisteria vines. Here lie the former members of the royal family---Lord Downs, Prince Anastassi, and Lord Cecil.  I suppose someday I will be there as well. Over the years it has accumulated small statuary. and also a huge white cat has taken up residence there for some time---somewhat sphynx-like. I have kept my eye on this cat everyday from my perch, but she never bats and eye or twitched that tail when I am watching. It is a ghostly larger than life cat, and it is bigger than me and unpredictable.

Today I was out with the keeper as she refilled all the hummingbird feeders and hauled piles of weeds. She noticed me spying on the white cat. She asked me to move aside, but I had to admit I was terrified of crossing the big white cat. She picked me up to move me and I hissed and clawed, and drew blood. Then she tried to show me it was not real or a ghost. She made me put my paw on its cold filthy head. I clawed and howled and growled some more. She now has scratch lines to prove this.

Finally she put the stone cat on the deck in front of me. I hissed. and tried to stare it down.
Finally I realized what she had known all along. This ghostly cat will be a new ally in scaring off the big gray cat who visits all too often while I am inside.  

So, congratulate me. I conquered a big fear today. and I am quite pleased with myself.
The keeper's arms look a bit worse for wear, though.

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