Friday, March 21, 2014

First Camino of Spring

She fed me and headed out for the first walk of spring down to the Lake where she luxuriated in the rich fragrance of daphne and hyacinth/  She also spied Rainier poking out of the clouds.  I told her I doubted her photo did it justice. I also told her that I had heard that H and T's keeper has a better camera on her phone with lots more pixels, whatever those are, and she would have been able to pick up the delicate shading.  But, she is very devoted to her present camera which also serves as a phone, but is a better phone than a camera.


  1. A scene worth learning to walk fast to glimpse!

  2. We wonder if they have considered having two separate devices--phones and cameras, so that people's phones wouldn't have to be so large and their cameras wouldn't have to be so small. So typical of humans. --Tom and Hairy
