Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Cooling Bandana

This morning when the keeper flew out of the house at 8 we thought that perhaps we would be stuck inside all day. But we were in luck.  She took care of some lobbying of her congressperson and some shopping for food, and came back! We all went out to the deck.  In the later afternoon as it became very warm, she dipped a bandana in water and tried to get Alice to wear it, but Alice wasn't going to pretend she was a racehorse in a cooling blanket.  I liked I though, and I wore it all afternoon.  In act, I think it looks good on me.  I don't mind looking like a racehorse. It's light and very practical.  Maybe we could create a whole summer line of them, and name them after ourselves!


  1. He looks soooo cute. Only a horse lover would come up with this idea!

  2. We would be happy to send several along to Hairy and Tom. Very fashionable.
