Saturday, September 12, 2009


We had a lovely day outside. The keeper worked out of the house today because she needed to put out a newsletter and do a pile of reading. That meant we got to stay outside all day. And we got to start the day with more real chicken and some baby food with rice for my delicate digestive system, due to my puddle slurping this week.
The keeper spent some time outside reading and kept bumping into and destroying spiders' webs. She apologized and tried to move what was left of the webs to a nearby post or beam. But she was fascinated by a little spider whose web she ripped apart earlier. Several hours later, the little golden arachnid had respun another web. Resilience! And it also preserved the other insects it had caught earlier. It just wove them into the new web. WOW.
We were amused by the story of the cattle stopping in at 7-11 in Puyallup and the cowboys riding their horses into the store to round them up. We are also amused by the lengths people will go to connect with saints. Someone has produced a Virgin Mary Flash Drive with a red LED heart which beats when data is transferred. We are sure that Archie McPhee's may end up stocking them, we doubt we will see them at Kaufers anytime soon.
On another note, we watched The Golden Compass tonight. Not that great We liked the daemon companions though. The keeper is reading Flannery O'Connor stories now.

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