Saturday, September 26, 2009

Autumn Saturday

It is feeling more like autumn. A few leaves are turning and the strange palm like plant in the side garden has a flower stalk that popped open with beautiful orange seeds.

Today was a beautiful Saturday. Alice and I had to get the keeper up this morning so she could drive to Sammamish to a Forum on Immigration and then she drove back to Seattle to check on another program and then arrived in time to experience the last hour of the Liturgy Day at St. James and the Mass of Blessing for Liturgical Ministers. lLater in the afternoon she headed over to CK for the Fall Fest and had many wonderful encounters with her former flock. It seemed a little thin attendance -wide...she said she found parking on Phinney next to the office. The wonderful part of it for us was that she finally let us out again in the afternoon. It is still warm, and Alice chased squirrels around the yard like a kitten and I climbed over the gate twice. The bitter pills must be working. This morning the keeper finally found out where I spit them out .

The moon is also beautiful tonight and we had to stay inside while she photographed the moon through the wisteria.

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