Friday, September 25, 2009

Rose City

The keeper spent the day at the Archdiocese of Portland Pastoral Center in a workshop. The Center has a very different feel to it from the Seattle Chancery, she said. More homey. Very welcoming. But the meeting was in a room with no windows and artificial lights. So she ran out at lunch to walk around the neighborhood, and smell all of the roses still blooming in carefully kept little gardens of the small older homes. They drove home in three hours. No traffic in PDX, into Seattle. Lucky day. And the mountains to the east and west were shimmering in the pink light. She caught Mt. Rainier all shiny and pink at 70 mph.

By the way, I am feeling better. The pills are working even though they taste like they are going to kill me. The keeper is learning how to use the pill injecter, and that helps.

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