Monday, July 27, 2009

Heat Wave!

This is not house cat weather! It's not wild cat weather either! The keeper loves it, but last night we all found it hard to sleep. We all slept in the living room for several hours and took advantage of the draft. But we also watched the dawn slowly creep over us and gently light up the sky.
It's been a long weekend. The keeper was very busy visiting chuches this weekend, putting a lot of miles on her car. She said that St. L's was poorly attended, and finally she discovered why later--the Gold Cup---USA vs. Mexico, was occurring at the same time as Mass, and Mexico won easily! She said she found the gathering in Kirkland very lovely, and enjoyed picnicking with them as the hot rain poured down and then the drive to Carnation was beautiful as usual--green, very green, with people swimming and tubing the Snoqualmie River alongside the road. Every church had big fans roaring, so it was hard to hear. The Cathedral was lovely as usual, and they celebrated Deacon Joe, she said. She didn't feel like sticking around for the picnic even though she had extra time. She wanted to get early to St. L, and didn't really feel like chatting with hundreds of people. Now we are happy that we have some time for a week's vacation and we are at home. That means we can come and go all day, even if it is just to throw ourselves on the shady grass that is nearly brown. It looks like that's what the keeper is doing too. She finished The Blue Star today, and found it a simple, yet profound description of the 40's in a small town with believable, touchable people.

This will be a good week for us, some puttering, some business, some celebrations, milestones, and rest!

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