Thursday, July 20, 2017

Agh! Summer Construction!

We overheard her telling a friend that she is becoming more OCD
with age. she doesn't like messes.
Summer construction has started with Jesus rearing down the old fence, 
which also includes ripping out ivy and cutting down laurel bushes, and tossing out all the leftovers from ML's deck project.  Oh, and then he will tear down the ramada and put a better one up.
Meanwhile it looks like a junk heap.
And the painter is also here painting the house and garage. 
A good time to leave town, she said.
She wants them all done by her vacation.
We wonder if she meant the vacation next spring.

1 comment:

  1. So have Jesus take some of that left-over wood and build you that little Mother Mary shrine you said you wanted in a back corner of the garden.
    Jujlie in San Diego
