Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Cecil's New Friend

Alice here reporting on my brother Cecil. He has a new friend.  And this almost scared the keeper to death.  When it started to pour this afternoon she went out to the side door to pull him in after hearing strange noises. She found our Cecil and this rather large raccoon making eyes at each other. Cecil was making gurgling sounds and the raccoon was just sitting there. The keeper swept up Cecil, who protested.  And the raccoon stood up on its hind legs and wouldn't leave, no matter how many mean things the keeper shouted. Finally she shut the door while Cecil howled and she let him and the raccoon stare at each other through the glass.  The raccoon didn't go away, but just sat there on the steps, waiting for Cecil to come back out. what a weird pair.  I doubt now that she will let us out at all for awhile. Thanks, Cecil. why can't you just appreciate me?

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