Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Yard Day

The rains finally stopped and we all went outside this afternoon.  Alice and I napped and kept an eye out for traces of the Interloper (there were none left). The keeper took trowels and gardening gloves and set out to plant dozens and dozens of the plants she had purchased earlier this weekend. She concentrated on the pots and boxes, and filled them with geraniums, poppies, verbena, and other things.  Shasta daisies went out by the driveway.  She planted seeds of perennial flowers. Very busy she was.

But she roused us from our drowsy states to make us sniff the irises.  They have a very delicate perfume that is amazing. And every time she smells it she is taken back long ago to a garden overlooking the river where many irises lined up along the bank. As she took care to savor the fragrance of each flower, she knew summer was drawing nearer with each sweet inhalation.

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