Monday, November 19, 2012

Encircling Gloom

This was a dark day, physically dark.  It rained so much there was a huge pond by our side gate.
Even Cecil didn't want to climb the fence.  The keeper turned her alarm off at 7 and thought she would check the time later, and when she checked again, found out it was noon.  It was as dark as it had been at seven.  Chastened by her negligence of our feeding time, she rushed around and did Thanksgiving errands, only to find her headlamp had gone out, so she came home before 4, in the dark, and stayed.  We encouraged her to work out her frustrations in the gym in the garage, which she did. But the view from there was foreboding. See above. We feel like we are cave cats with their keeper in Alaska, or something, in the winter, just without the snow and the cold. Lead kindly, light....We also learned that Ray Bourgeois was booted from the Maryknolls today. And that priests visiting Rome now have to wear cassocks! We think this will not go over too well with our friends.
Lead kindly, light...

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