Friday, January 14, 2011

Some Swimming Rama with Taize Prayer

All is back to normal at this home.  We lounge.  The keeper runs with her briefcase and computer. We are happy.  She even wanted to play with us tonight.  We thought she came home for good late this afternoon, but she simply switched bags, telling us to be patient.  Well, quite a few hours later when she returned, we stared at her and the empty food bowls.  We were fed but had to listen to her story, of course.  She had a meeting at SU, and then decided to attend the Taize prayer for an end to the violence at St. James.  She had forgotten to eat lunch so decided to celebrate being well by eating at her favorite little Thai restaurant on Boren where she met the young man who was listening to NPR while waiting tables, who got his Masters in Finance from SU, but still hasn't found a job, who has fallen in love with Seattle, and will never move back to Bangkok.  Meanwhile the Mexicans were cooking all the food.  So, she brought that lovely story and all the frustrated hope for a peaceful world to the quiet cathedral, and lifted her raspy voice in chant and prayer for a world filled with more compassionate relationships. It must have helped her because she fed us quickly and let us out for a little bit.

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