Friday, January 28, 2011

A Made for TV Evening

We had all experienced peaceful evening last night.  The keeper was getting ready for us to go to bed when she heard a helicopter circling above.  We looked out the window and saw the red lights hovering over our house and the park across the way.  Then, we noticed flashing lights in the parking lot across the street.  Then we heard shouting.  Then our house was washed in a chaos of reds and blues from flashing lights on the police cars which kept arriving.  One police car parked in front of our driveway and the revolving lights lit up our den for two hours after we turned off our lights.  We watched and watched.  They brought in dogs and hikers with flashlights to scour the woods.  We watched and wondered what kind of escaped madman must be out there, we imagined traffickers and rapists hiding in the woods as the dogs lunged and barked and the blades of the helicopter chopped away for several hours.  Finally they stuffed a young man in the sheriff's car, and peeled out.  Eventually the barking died down, the lights dimmed, the chopper moved on to chase other criminals.  It was 2 AM.   

This afternoon the keeper called the police to find out what had transpired. She was waiting to hear about a massive drug bust, a child molester, a murderer.  No, they told her it was a tagger defacing a city park and some underage drinking.  She told us that after living in the likes of El Paso, the Hilltop of Tacoma, and the CD, she was astounded.  And she wondered aloud to us, " If that is what they do for taggers here, what would ever happen to a drug dealer, a robber, or a person without proper documents?" 

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