Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Welcome, Ordinary Time!

Today is the beginning of Ordinary Time! That doesn't mean it is boring, just counted...like from now on, we note which week this, eg..2nd week of ordinary time. So, here we are...In the picture Alice has made herself at home amidst all of the tree decorations and creches which the keeper took down and organized before packing them away. It was a solemn occasion. We played Christmas music--the keeper selected Charpentier, along with others. We always keep the tree lit till the very end. Then everything goes back into little boxes, and we put them into bigger boxes. Finally, it all goes back into the garage and waits for Advent again. Sigh.
On another note, the keeper just finished reading a book called The Help. It's a best seller now, and not without some controversy. The keeper told us that she liked the story, and it all held together beautifully. But, she said what made her feel uncomfortable was that the author is a white woman witting in the voices of black maids, who are describing their lives working for white people. It takes place in the 60's during the years of civil rights fights. But what troubled her was the author's voice. She asked us, as if we would have much to say, if we thought it was all right for a white woman of privilege to speak in the voices of those who have been oppressed.
She thinks it's a thorny question. And she is anxious to look at the commentary.
Now she is reading Ray Bradbury's new book of short stories.

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