Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mock Orange

She finally smelled the mock orange today. We have been aware of it making its subtle and delicate way into the yard, but today it made itself known fiercely. Oh such sweetness! It seemed to arrive earlier this year, but June has been so warm. The flowers are so white and crisp against all of the green foliage. She let us go out when she ran errands tonight. We are always a little more careful when she leaves us outside alone because we are never sure when she will return. And we don't want to stray too far. When she came back, we helped her water all of the plants in the yard. It takes a good hour. When anyone asks her why she doesn't just turn on sprinklers she says that she finds it very reflective and meditative. And she can also check on her plantings.

We understand that we are getting a new washer and dryer next week. That will be good. The others are noisy and don't work too well. The housesitters will be happy too. We also heard a rumor that we may have to go to the vet the same day we get the washer and dryer. Alice overheard a phone conversation about this. Last time I went to the vet I came home missing 6 teeth, but I felt a lot better. What will we be missing this time?

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