Saturday, June 6, 2009

Maple Leaf Chair

Lazy day for cats. Overcast. We spent the day inside since the keeper was tearing all over the eastside. But, we wanted to point out several things...there are some very ignorant young raccoons out in the neighborhood who think they can run the streets in the afternoon. They had better look out for cars. Second observation: the director's chair which the keeper forgot to bring in this past winter lost its seat in the cold. So, she started weaving a new seat and back out of the budding maple vines. They are growing well and doing a nice reupholstery job on their own. Pretty soon we will be able to sit on it again and watch the birds. And later when we are tired of green it will turn red. Very Harry Potter. The keeper told us tonight that she had finally found a place which she was able to take guests which was in the neighborhood---the LFP Bar and Grill. It just opened she said and everybody is there checking it out. And it is good.

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