Tuesday, June 30, 2015

La Luna Gorda

Tonight, though, we both sat on the deck and watched the fat moon rise over the lake and our house.
Buenas noches!

Flip Flops and Tests on Trivia

The keeper was late in providing my dinner tonight.  She took a detour on the way home to see friends and ended up having dinner there. I don't think she even thought about me. C was studying trivia for a state teacher's test.  The keeper got no answer correct. Meanwhile, the divine Miss MG and her friend had painted their toes and bought holiday flip flops.

Down at Leschi

Lunch down at Leschi today. The keeper ran into not one, but two former parishioners. she used to spend a fair amount of time down here, I hear.

La Luna Misteriosa

Last night on our way to sleep we caught the moon in her velvety satin sky. 

Monday, June 29, 2015

Another 85 degree Day and a Beautiful Night

I have a fan near my perch. It is still hot. I wish she would shave all of my fur off. 
She did make me a cloth soaked in cold water  and wrapped it around my neck.
It felt great. But then it dried.

I supervised her backyard watering tonight, and when the moon showed her cool and lovely face, I had to come in to the warm house. I think we will both wear  collars soaked in cold water tonight!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Snohomish Sunflowers

These folks have the best sunflowers every weekend, and save big ones for the keeper and me.
Their farm is in Snohomish.

Stormy Market Sunday

The keeper rose early, ready to relax a little and then go for a long walk at the lake.
She relaxed just fine, with the paper, some espresso, and me outside.
She decided to  park at the LFP Farmers' Market and start walking from there.
But the skies became restless, the thunder rumbled and the lightning flashed. And the clouds opened up and poured down warm water that swept under the booths and cascaded through the canopies. 
She decided to start Camino 2015 at the gym. 

June Moon

La Luna esta tan  maravillosa esta noche.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Fiesta Impromptu

These hot summer days seem to scream " Party!"
So the keeper invited some friends to dine with us.
You probably have seen their faces before.

They sat out on the deck for a 
few hours as the breeezes came up and night descended.
Now the one on the right  above shared  a lot of chicken with me. 

I was a little done in by the weather and just couldn't get comfortable.
I finally found a place of repose.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Fare Thee Well, Bill Sullivan, SJ

This morning the keeper went late to a Memorial Mass for the former President of SU.
He was well remembered and she ran into lots of old friends and acquaintances, as usual.
Many she didn't recognize at first because they looked older. But she is getting used to asking people to help her remember their names. They seem willing to oblige her.

Sweet Hot Summer!

The summer lilacs, aka Butterfly Bush, is very busy and almost a month early. As many know this is one of the keeper's favorite flowers. It  is all about nostalgia for her childhood on the banks of the Columbia and of her mother who used to fill crystal vases with them. Yes, she does the same thing. And yes, we know that it is looked upon as an invasive species.  But she plants them wherever she lives and doesn't care.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Cool Things on a Hot Day

Although it's true that I am the coolest creature of all on any day of the year, here are a few other natural wonders which the keeper thought were very cool on her long evening walk after the very busy and hot day today.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Look Who's Back!

We received a text this morning from someone we haven't seen here for quite a few months. 
Yes, ML is back to finish the deck. Third summer will be the charm!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Questionable Medicine

So the keeper came home not feeling well at all.  But she had already received medicine from friends who are trying to help her become a more savvy about popular culture. I doubt this will help.  Perhaps popsicles, bad pizza, celery and tea will be more effective.  She didn't even go our walking. She just sat and napped a bit. Quite catlike.

Lunch on 12th Avenue

The keeper had a very busy day that started well.
Lunch was at a new place on 12th that has Albanian pastries called byreks and great sandwiches.
She had a leek feta byrek and great conversation about the SU Community Engagement.
Check in out: www.facebook.com/pages/Byrek-Baguette. 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Laudato Si' for Green and Fleury Life!

So, she brought home beautiful flowers from the farmers in Carnation. and a carload of plants for the new plant citcles that Jesus installed for her. This afternoon she got very muddy and happy planting.
Laudato Si'!

Laudato Si' for Quadrupeds!

Before the keeper came back home to me she hit the farmers market and boy, did she ever! 
But the alpaca, llama petting zoo showed up too. They had all been recently sheered. 

First Day of Summer Blessing

They blessed the community garden today.
What a perfect day to do so. Post Laudato Si,
and first day of summer! They even handed out salads at the end. Much better than doughnuts!
The keeper came home with a whole weeks worth of lettuce wrapped in her bulletin.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

End of the Day

This was a great way to end a very full day. 
The color is " First date at the Golden Gate."

Next Stop: State of the Church

SU and STM hosted a conference with two fine practical theologians all day.
The keeper had invited colleagues from her worlds. I hear it was way more engaging than earlier events today. The theologians who spoke were committed and full of passion about how to be effective Church in a complex, multicultural, digital, gentrifying world.

Christifideles commissioning

After a great dinner party at the cottage last night the keeper left me early today to cheer on a friend who  was commissioned today as a LEM.

In addition to the commissioning of LEMS, they also commissioned the Latino catechists and the keeper ran into a lot of old friends from several parishes.

Our Favorite Dental Team

I am very grateful for the keeper's dentist who does not recommend pet dentistry.
Their visits are full of wild political conversation, travelogues, and whatever else Zoey brings up.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Prayer for Charleston

A terrible tragic shooting happened at a historic AME church in Charleston. 
Senseless violence perpetrated upon innocent people.
After the dinner, the group prayed for Charleston, for the victims, the families, al whose lives are ripped apart by violence, which would be all of us.
They lit up the night with their singing, their prayer, their candles.

The Ministries Dinner

Yes, my friends. I waited until almost 10 to eat tonight. Now, if I were from some other land, this would be fine. But,I live here and my culture should be respected. I like to eat at 6. The cause of my late dinner? The keeper went to the dinner at the parish and actually helped serve. But I was not served. Nor was I impressed.
But it appears from the photos that she had a rollicking good time talking to lots of folks and waiting on tables.  I hear they had some very fine chicken. But no kitty bag came home with her.

Margaret was the organizer of the keeper and the other servers.

This was the crew that mostly worked the bar.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


The keeper was out at Sea Tac yesterday to get the pass to help 
her avoid being stuck in long lines. She saw a lot of people her age carrying these signs at the TSA checkpoints.  
Constant reminder that she is closer to the end of the metaphorical big line than she thinks and that she better have fun before the green sign shows up for her once and for all!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Sacred Memorabilia

Others at the event tonight brought photos, banners, buttons, flags, mementos of their days with Dutch. It never crossed her mind to do that. When she got home she showed me two buttons that she displays proudly in the den, from her protest days and from her Concerned Catholic days.

A Still and Quiet Conscience

Tonight I ate very late, and you might call it fashionable, but I don't.
The keeper stayed in town to attend a lecture about her hero and inspiration. There was a book signing  too, even though she had read the book several times already.  She knows the author and is lucky to be able to work with him once in awhile.

The Cathedral Hall kept filling up but everyone fit after they brought out every available chair.She said it was a wonderful gathering of old companions from "the day." It was inspiring, and sad.
She came home carrying melancholia and awe that she had the good fortune to know such a prophet.