Tuesday, June 3, 2014

After the Break In

As the keeper was driving home tonight, she received some texts that would change the course of the night. Jesus had stopped by to pick up some tools he had left. He noticed the side door to the garage open.
Then he realized someone had broken in.  And he thought he had surprised them since he heard someone rustling in the bushes and a truck tearing off. The thief had crowbarred into the door and broken the frame.  Surprise...there was little to take...Christmas ornaments, old luggage, Christmas lights, planting things, extra cat food and paper goods. some lawn furniture and golf clubs. Nothing of value. But a mess. The officer who came said that drug addicts are out looking for loot. They struck out here. But disabled the garage door to be able to carry all of their treasure out. They didn't even bother to take the Two Buck Chuck!

This is my reflection for the keeper.  She has guardian angels looking out for her.  If Jesus hadn't decided to swing by to pick up tools, much worse could have happened.  I am grateful that we are held with "greater a care than we could ever have kept ourselves!"

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