Sunday, August 30, 2015


The keeper came home after Mass with a mission: to scavenge among all the pine needles under the the little canopy and find a wing, a tail, a thumb, and two fingers belonging to St. Francis who landed face down in the storm. And about 30 minutes later, all were found. She placed them in baggie with a note for Jesus who was quite concerned about the damage. 

She also went down to LFP Town Center to the Farmers Market and checked out some of the ailing trees.  When she arrived, the farmers were selling, but all LFP was still without electricity. All the stores had been closed since she left there yesterday. But just as she was ready to leave the power came back, and within ten minutes, another transformer exploded and caught fire. 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Welcome, rain!

This is real rain. We haven't really heard this sound in while. 
The birds and plants and ground are happy. 
We are grateful that we have power and light. Most of LFP and parts of Shoreline are dark tonight.
The keeper said the lines were very long at Burger King and McDonald's. We are having salmon tonight which she learned to fillet this afternoon. I get the leftover parts.

Saintly Casualty

The much announced storm blew through today. The keeper got caught in the aftermath of the transformer fires at LFP Town Centre this morning. The sirens went off, they had to evacuate, even the gym. All the power went down as two transformers caught fire across the road. Traffic could not move on 523 so was diverted through all the neighborhoods. Not a pretty sight. No one appreciated the diversion. 
When she finally made it home, I insisted she check up on the backyard.  She noticed all the downed branches, and started piling them up, but finally she noticed St. Francis face planted on the ground. 

He is missing a thumb, some fingers, and the bird is in worse shape--a wing, and a tail.
we found some of the pieces among the pine needles. we will find the rest when things calm down. 

Friday, August 28, 2015

This Says It All!

The keeper walked downtown to get a haircut late this afternoon.
She had extra time so stopped by her favorite store, Silberman Brown, to buy some ink for her collection of fountain pens.  Today she found all kinds of treasures--including brown ink from Japan in little tins. You all may not know that I live with a pen nerd. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

La Luna is an Enchantress

Oh, la luna, la luna bella azul. The keeper remains enchanted 
by her commanding presence in the last phase of summer!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


The moon was not so blood orange tonight.  A bit cooler blue.

Laudato si'

Late Summer Eve Camino


 Tonight after work the keeper finally got back into her walking. She said it had been too hot for much walking in the past weeks and so had spent time at the gym.  But tonight she visited all of her favorite gardens and noticed what was new. Here are a few new beauties.

Wicked Colors

Some home owners in our area are getting a little out there with the paint colors. 
The first house  seems inspired by Wicked, although they have a Bible quote on their front yard.
The second is more rain slicker inspired. The good news is no one will miss them in the fog.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sunday Dinner

Tonight I dined at home. But I dined alone.
The social butterfly keeper dined with her friends who are the most elegant hosts ever.
They were welcoming another old friend back into town with incredible food, lovely spirited conversation about politics, church, history, and books.

The guest of honor.

Joseph's centerpiece of pepper plants. 

Mapache Sabbath

The keeper and I were sitting out on the deck late this afternoon, she with her newspaper, and I with my cat bed.  We heard scratching that was too loud for squirrels. It was the the young raccoon family preparing to keep an eye on us as they took their afternoon siesta wrapped around the tall branches of the maple tree. 

Still Life

Before the keeper came home from Church she stopped at the LFP Farmers' Market and brought us our flowers. I couldn't wait to show her the gift the little squirrel left us on the deck.  Our apple tree is already giving us fruit, and the squirrel is fond of taking a few bites and leaving the rest for us.  But today we found a sculpted signature portrait of the eater. I think it looks just like that squirrel. It certainly doesn't look like me or the keeper!

Nabucco Night

The keeper and her friend S  kicked off the new opera season with dinner and a great final night of Nabucco, the story of King Nebuchadnezzar  and the Babylon Captivity of the Hebrew children.They had great seats and appreciated the way the orchestra was moved to the stage and the way they moved the whole platform into the opera house so the singers were much closer. 

When Smoke gets in Our Skies

The forest fire smoke from the east has finally blown our way, making for some spectacular sunrises and sunsets.  The moon was a half orange last eve, although the photo didn't pick it up.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Night to Celebrate George and More

Tonight the keeper came home quite late.  She ended up going out to dinner with a friend to catch up and as always, celebrate. So tonight they remembered George and had a wonderful Vietnamese meal at Monsoon, including coconut creme caramel. Thank God they took a good walk after and visited friends with a big hairy cat.

I couldn't help but notice that Monsoon's deck has lights like the ones we have on our deck. Now, if we just had the chef to go with the lights!

A Touch of Autumn

The keeper has a friend who, as soon as the summer solstice occurs, begins to look forward to autumn. Meanwhile, the keeper is trying to slow summer down to last as long as possible. The other night she noticed two golden leaves hanging from the wisteria branches on a high eighties night. So, this one's for our friend who loves the fall. "There is a tiny hint of autumn in the air!"

Meanwhile, we will savor summer, its heat, its light, its blackberries on the side of the road, its brown lawns, and the lovely evenings.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Waiting for Godspell

This delightful performance of Godspell was set in the Pike Place Market.
It was oh, so Seattle! The keeper hadn't seen it in decades but remembered all the songs. 

Friday, August 14, 2015

La Vie en Rose

         She left me to go to the theater with her friends.  But there was time for a light dinner first. 
Crepes, greens, French wine, buskers,   LaVie en Rose, and Montmartre rains!

And the Skies Opened!

This morning a friend's text told us to enjoy the cooler day. We are, but we think that the flora and the birds are having the best time of all.

It was a dark and stormy day. I meowed at the keeper around 2 PM to alert her that the lights on the dusk setting timer had turned on. The rain was done more for our plants than a wholeweeke of watering.

And there is a bit of a river creating a moat from our driveway to the road. 
All very exciting,  We were indoor sports today. The keeper had tea, a quilt and yet another pile of books. I did the usual.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Blessing Patrick's Place

Today she left the reading hermitage and went to work for this day only.
she was the water and book bearer for the Archbishop at the very well attended blessing of a new building, Patrick's Place, which houses 70 + formerly homeless men and women, including homeless veterans. She got to see friends  from former parishes and from long ago.
The 5th floor roof is a marvel to behold, a 360  degree view of the city and more! These folks have the best view of fireworks ever! 
Now, we are back to the reading room here. 
I have discovered that I like to sit with her in the swing under the trees. 

Garden Surprises

At Christmas we received one of those big bulbs you grow indoors.  It grew, looked beautiful, and then died. The keeper couldn't let herself put it in the compost, so put the tired little bulb and its pot in the front garden. when she went out for the paper this morning. Look what she found re-blooming!

And then the roses have started back up!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Another Day in Paradise

I am hoping the keeper is not dying or that she lost her position. But she has been home with me now going on week two.  She says it is a vacation. It doesn't seem like a normal vacation for her. She does seem very content, though, like a happy hermit, or a 9 year old in all of her forts. But each day there seems to be some person who either has lunch dinner, or a visit.  Last night she and W went out for dinner.  This morning she and C got wound up for tennis. She seems pretty excited about tennis. But we spent the whole afternoon together in the swing reading novels and some very powerful nonfiction. Tonight we shared dinner on the deck and she read some more.  I even got to eat some lamb and chicken. This is the best vacation she has ever taken, from my standpoint. I didn't need to get in a crate and travel someplace, nor did I need a sitter to stay with me. 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Uninterrupted Sustained Silent Summer Sabbath Reading!

I shouldn't say it was uninterrupted, since the texting with her friends was quite extensive. But the keeper and I spent the entire afternoon on the deck---I napped, she read and read.  And when evening came, we celebrated dinner there, and read until 10 PM  under the stars and our own lights.
Is this heaven?