Saturday, February 12, 2011

We Are Back

Thanks to all of you who sent us
emails asking if we were still alive. We are all very much alive and well.  We would have liked to tell you all about our somewhat quiet week at home but the keeper was off and running every day into the evenings and ignored our pleas.  All week we listened to her chanting a mantra one of her friends gave her, "I will not succumb to the vortex." We hoped we were not the vortex.  We didn't think so. So today when she got back from a class and meeting in Bellevue with Fr. F, we howled and sat on the computer until she got the hint.  She said it was an excellent class.  But it had a sad ending when one of the students got word that her father had been discovered dead in his home. 

But now to the more interesting news about US--Alice and Cecil.  First the bird news:  we have a flock of little sparrows or finches that come by the hundreds to the bird feeders.  And we are stuck at the windows drooling, and pawing powerlessly. And, we daresay, leaving slimy trails of drool on the window panes. There is also a new big fat brown cat who is prowling our territory. Long hair.  Pretty face.  Then we smelled a skunk one night.  Cecil had to explain what skunks do when they are afraid and told me never to mistake a skunk for him.  He said the keeper would have to shave my fur and wash me in tomato juice.

I started taking homeopathic pet meds for my allergies.  I know the keeper is sneaking it into my food.  But I feel better.  Cecil is dealing with hairballs right now. We went on a food strike last week and now we have a new kind of cat food. It has quinoa in it.  Speaking of strikes, we have been glued to the radio listening about Egypt and rejoiced with them in their freedom.  However, we know that they know it will be a struggle to move into a more democratic form of governance, and so we keep them and their pets in our hearts and prayers.

Thank you for reading all of this.  We've been saving it up for a while.

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