Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday Arboretum

The keeper did not rush home from the dentist. No, she left us inside and went rambling home, stopping wherever she felt like. so she headed to the Arboretum. She used to go there a lot more with a friend, but hadn't been there for awhile, except to the BGC. So, she went exploring and said she was overwhelmed by the color and the peacefulness of the park. The colors stood out in the grayness. Obviously she was not the only one. She came across a woman painting with water colors, a man paddling his kayak, and a whole brood of school kids with teachers and chaperones. The lake was so still, and the willows weeped right into it. The algae glistened and the bird and squirrels were scurrying underfoot and over head. It inspired her to come home, let us out, and she spent the entire afternoon digging up the garden like a squirrel and planting 100's of purple tulip and allium bulbs. She came in covered with dirt. We had already come in and stationed ourselves by the food bowls. She fed us. But now, we notice, that she is cooking chicken. Hm.

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