Thursday, October 27, 2022


The eagle landed!


Adieu, you beautiful City of Lights! Till Next Time!


Sunday Night on the Ile, late October


Final dinner in Paris at the Saint Regis Café

And, no, they weren’t filming Emily in Paris there.

Final dinner in Paris at the Saint Regis Café


The walk home from the Palais was filled with music, color, and scenic Paris


Tea in the Palais’ lovely garden


Some favorite works.

Fernand Telez, Without Asylum, the Deported

The Good Samaritan, Aime Morot

Gustavo Dore, The Valley of Tears

Madame Frantz Jourdain, Edward Vuillard




His nudes filled the sculpture gallery. But they were all dark skinned and waited to be noticed on the floor, unlike the other sculptures there on pedestals.