Sunday, November 8, 2015

An Afternoon of Plotting Resurrection

I am told that November is a perfect time to consider death and life.

Today we were able to do that in our back yard. The leaves are still falling and the plants are going dormant, give or take the hisbiscus, which thinks it's still summer and has a  whole new round of blooms.
The rains stopped and the skies cleared, so the keeper and I went outside, she in her tall red wellie boots and me without anything special. 

She purchased a new bulb planter yesterday that works more like a shovel, and so we started planting bulbs in the new beds which Jesus created for us this summer.

We probably planted 50 bulbs. Well, she did the heavy lifting and I protected the bulbs from squirrels. Now we only have another 150 to go. 

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