Saturday, April 12, 2014

To the Lake, at Last!

Can you see the mountain rising out of the clouds? 

The keeper left me early this morning to preside over a retreat at the Cathedral. She had been working on this for awhile and I heard her struggling like in the old days. She kept asking me why she keeps saying, "Yes" to these invitations. I had nothing to say that she would understand.  She came home to me and Cristina who was cleaning and keeping me company. She seemed much relieved that it was done. But she did mention that it seemed to be well received. I was hoping she would stay home with me, but no way, she was off to walk down to the lake. 

Others were also walking and taking the sun.

She went to Lyon Creek Park where Lyon Creek took on a Lenten hue.

And rested on the dock at the park.

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