Saturday, January 18, 2014

Good News From Northgate Vet

This afternoon we received a call from our vet. We have decided to go with the new lady vet who is very fun. She likes us a lot. Well, she had good news for Cecil...his kidneys are back to normal after eating the special diet. We are all very happy. But we also learned that his very pink nose is abnormal. He is anemic because of the kidney slowdown and now needs special shots to strengthen his blood. We are not sure what color his nose will be after he gets his shots each week. But we are happy and are watching "As Time Goes By" and thinking of Phil B who introduced her to this show long long ago.


  1. I LOVE that show, really love it. So happy to find another admirer!

  2. Isn't it sweet? And hard to find on real TV! Thank God for Netflix.
