Monday, November 28, 2011
Advent Monday
The keeper left us today for the dentist and to buy a new computer for work. We napped. She came home in time to rake the rest of the leaves and sprinkle them over the garden beds. Did we tell you that on Black Friday she came home to find that all of our back yard had been raked and put in 10 brown bags and the dumpster in the front? The secret rakers were Ann and Tyler next door who are the best neighbors ever.
The sun was setting as the keeper arrived to read at the cathedral.
The view was beautiful. The new translation that debuted on Sunday was not that beautiful, however.
First Sunday of Advent
"Be alert. . . Watch!"
For those who do not live with a church keeper, we want you to know that we are now living the season of Advent. The keeper loves this season, the readings, the music, the spirit. So we try to keep the season with her, even though she never seems to be around the home to keep it with us.
Yesterday was a glorious day which we spent mostly inside. The keeper, though, was all over the place. She caught this sunset on her way to the cathedral from Bellevue on I-90.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Lighting up the Night!
Finally at 5:45 Santa showed up, the star lit up, followed by the tree, and then right over the heads of the keeper and her friend, Macy's set off a rather impressive display of fireworks from their rooftop. After all that excitement, they headed to Machiavelli's for their annual early dinner. And we waited at home patiently for her to come home and open up some more of that turkey for us.
Waiting for Santa
The streets were full tonight with people waiting for the star and tree lighting. The sign said 5 PM. The politicos started talking at 5 PM, the crowds began to grow weary by 5:30 when all was still dark. Perhaps Santa got stuck on an elevator.
Blaze the police horse has a police badge on his bridle and is very calm and friendly. The keeper says he reminded her of Cecil, only a little heavier.
Black Friday
The keeper got up quite groggy this morning to meet her friend P who was up from PDX to do their annual Black Friday Marathon. It's not so much about shopping, but about catching up, having a good meal, good treats along the way, people watching, and maybe doing some shopping. It's also about walking for miles downtown through rain, sleet, wind downtown. They lucked out this year with sun and little wind. It seemed like less people out and about, and bot too many Occupy Seattle folks.
A House Full of Thanksgiving
Well, friends, after much scurrying around and cleaning, the keeper finally cooked the big bird that had been resting in the in the sack in the refrigerator, and yesterday evening friends came over to eat it. They brought more food too, and the tale was a pile of plates and platters. So after the keeper almost smoked everyone out of the house with a misplaced damper--we had smoke that looked like fog and the keeper had to carry the burning logs out and set them out in the rain--everyone sat down to eat, and Cecil and I also had some tasty dark meat ( albeit in another room). We enjoyed having good company to admire us.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Keeping an Eye on the Birdie
Alice loves snooping in the refrigerator. She can detect poultry a mile away. She is intrigued by the headless big bird that is resting on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator right now. She studies it and gives it a poke every time the door opens. I, Cecil, have told her that the bird on the shelf is the same bird that is all ground up in our bowls each day--organic, fresh, tasty. I guess she is a conscious
diner, wanting to be aware of the source of her food. So Northwest. As for myself, I am way more interested in the pints of Snoqualmie Coconut ice cream that were placed in the freezer. It spells P-A-R-T-Y. Last night the keeper realized she had forgotten to take the table cloths to the dry cleaner for ironing, and so she ironed them by herself. We were impressed by her househusbandry.
diner, wanting to be aware of the source of her food. So Northwest. As for myself, I am way more interested in the pints of Snoqualmie Coconut ice cream that were placed in the freezer. It spells P-A-R-T-Y. Last night the keeper realized she had forgotten to take the table cloths to the dry cleaner for ironing, and so she ironed them by herself. We were impressed by her househusbandry.
Several years ago the keeper decided to switch hair salons. She was tired of the $75 haircut that took 60 minutes and didn't look very good once all the "product" wore off. Her good friend K was going to a salon on 12th which was very good AND very reasonable. The keeper gave Liana a try. 15 minutes, 25 dollars, and she is out the door, and there is no attitude. She came home today looking still pretty good, even thought the rains washed all the "product" out of her straight locks.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
A Stained Fence
While we stayed home all day, we watched Jose finish staining the new fence. It was cold and dry and he took advantage of the weather to get the deed done. We think it looks nice and we can't wait to get our claws into it.
La Nina Confundida
Yesterday we were home all day while the keeper was at work, but we all had tales to tell at the end of the day. Mostly about the weather. She said that the sun was shining, part of the sky was blue and it was sleeting, like hail, for 10 minutes without a break. We saw something similar. But as hard as we hoped for snow, it eluded us. she was much happier about that than we were.
European Soaps
This was the weekend of THE sale at the European Soaps wholesale warehouse. The keeper came home on Friday night smelling like a soap factory. She carried in big bags of soap in many flavors and sizes and lotions with labels in French and Italian. We understand that this is a big deal. She doesn't have to go anywhere else other than the Dead Sea now. It was not only a big deal for her, but for dozens of others who make this yearly trek to North Seattle to stock up for the next 12 months.
Glorious Compost
This photo doesn't look like much, but it is a great testimony to the keeper's day off earlier this week when she raked another ton of leaves and cleaned out the garden of the pine needles and put compost over the top of it. The compost now will work its way into the rest of the earth all winter and be ready for better gardening in the spring. She decided that last year she left the pine needles and they made the soil too acidic to produce much. We shall see how this works. Some loud guy named Cisco said it was a good idea.
An Optimisitic Fuschia
We have some hanging fuschias which probably should go inside now, at least to the garage. They keep on pumping out flowers as if they were someplace else.
Monday, November 14, 2011
For the Birds
It is getting pretty cold out. We joined the keeper as she put out new food for the birds and sugar water for the hummingbirds. We hope the squirrels let the birds have their fair share.
Autumn's Sisyphean Task
On Veteran's Day the keeper tried to do the first round of leaf raking in the back yard. She raked through the sun, then through the gentle rain, then refused to stop when the rain became like machine gun fire. She came inside drenched from head to toe and proudly showed us her bin and bags of leaves. Then the winds came. Now, the yard is pleading for the second round. Without opposable thumbs, Cecil and I are at a loss to help her. We could call the yard service though. She might beat us to it, though.
Happy Anniversary, Fr. Mihlton
The keeper has been a little busy again. On Sunday it was lots of church. Duh. We finally saw her in the evening in time to take out all of the recycling and garbage. So, what just does she do when she is away? When we asked, she told us that there was a Mass at the Cathedral, and then a presentation about the translation which was good, despite the content. Then she headed to Bothell, followed by Bellevue where everyone celebrated Fr M's 10th anniversary with a cake reception. They actually surprised him. He thought he was going to give a workshop on liturgy after Mass. Surprise. But he doesn't like cake.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Autumn Moon
The moon, oh, the moon tonight was so beautiful. Cecil really
wanted to go out tonight. The keeper said no. Cecil howled for an hour.
The keeper still said no. Cecil gave up and begged for ice cream instead.
Office Guardian
The keeper looked up from her desk and into the distance. Up on the base of a light pole hovering over the office building was the pastor's cat, guarding all of them. Now, isn't it wonderful that this pastor allows his cat to go out of the house? We wish that the keeper were more permissive.
Out to Bell Harbor
We stayed home and watched the keeper leave. We also missed most of a very beautiful day outdoors. She went out with a friend she hadn't seen since summer. They took advantage of the great sunny day and went to the waterfront. She said that she found a new Vietnamese restaurant in the old Rosellini spot, Thoa. Very good and very reasonable. She did not bring us nay leftovers, however.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
For Anastassi
Tonight we tried to capture the moon for Prince Anastassi, that old moon lover. The keeper tells us that he always kept her aware of moontime.
What a Sky!
The keeper was stuck in traffic on the way to the Cathedral tonight and did what she promised never to do again. But we agree that the photo from I-5 right before the Roanoke exit does capture a lovely bruised sky.
Alice: Back Home Again
Last night we had a near emergency. The keeper didn't realize that Alice didn't come back in the house with me after our jaunt outside before dinner. Well, I ate both Alice's and my dinners, and then tried to get the keeper's attention, but she thought I wanted to go out again and kept telling me, ' No!' I howled and scratched as the night became colder. But she became entranced with her computer and Alfred Hitchcock. Finally, five hours later, as we were turning all the clocks back, she realized what I had been trying to tell her...we left Alice outside! She actually let me go outside and look for Alice. I pretended to look, but sniffed out all my favorite places. The keeper was nearly hysterical with her big flashlight, planning where to put all the "Lost Cat" posters. But, she suddenly heard a faint meow that we both recognized as Alice and we traced it to the garage. sure enough, the fur princess was howling quite angrily. But she leapt into the keeper's arms and came in and ate food which belonged to both of us. I let her sleep on the keeper's pillow all night. Maybe next time, the keeper might listen to me.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
And Yet Another Note
The neighborhood is full of notes these days. Another family has started a web and is seeking treasures. They have a long way to go. We could bring a few cat toys.
Are YOu Still Mad at Vee?
The keeper passed by a tree with a note hanging from the lower branch. She had to check it out, "Nadath, Are you still mad at Vee? Yes or No." We wonder what the answer is? Did Nadath read it and respond? She did not see a response hanging on any other branches. Maybe tomorrow.
Late Afternoon Walk
The keeper came back from her conference at Seattle Center. We were hoping we could go out in the sunshine. But instead she went out walking through the neighborhood. She said that it was beautiful--crisp, sunny, with a light dust of snow on the Cascades,wood smoke wafting from chimneys, and Mt. Rainier sparkling in a haze. Most of all she said the colors were so brilliant she wanted to taste them.
Cecil's New Friend
Cecil has a new friend. he has become very attached to a rabbit fur mouse someone gave us. He will hold it, clean it, toss it in the air, catch it, sleep with it.
I guess that I have not provided the companionship he has needed. I am aloof, I know. Perhaps the keeper will bring him a kitten. I think he would be a very good caretaker.
I guess that I have not provided the companionship he has needed. I am aloof, I know. Perhaps the keeper will bring him a kitten. I think he would be a very good caretaker.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
All Souls Altar and Curtain

Celebrating All Saints at Smash
We celebrated a lovely All Saints Day here. We got to spend the whole afternoon outside on the deck. Jose continued to work on our fence, and the keeper was busy preparing a retreat, yet another project of hers. As evening drew near, we had to come in so she could go out with her friends MK and S. S had a special Living Social certificate for Smash in Wallingford--Smash--where good wine and food collide. We hear it was a great feast with rich fare..huge salads, great entrees, wine flights, and gingersnap ice cream...Everything was organic and prepared on site except for the ice cream. She brought home no leftovers--it was that good. We have a hunch they will go back again.
Trick or Treat
Tonight was Halloween. We couldn't go out. The keeper, who now doesn't eat candy, brought bags of it home. We had Junior High students coming to the door at 6, but no one after that. We think they all went down to the house with all the gory heads. We just had a porch light. Even though no one came, we still couldn't go out. We think the candy is going to the Young Adult group. Maybe we can go out tomorrow. . . Sigh.
Here Goes the Neighborhood
The ghouls and severed heads win again. The man who has this display told the keeper that he and his wife have been adding to it every year for the last 36 years. They have a special storage unit for all of their gorey gunk.
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