Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cecil Visits Dr. Smalley

Cough. Cough.  Cough Cough Cough.  Is it a hairball? Is it not?  Is it a bronchial infection?  Is it not? Is it because Cecil eats decorative grass? Is it because he drinks bad water?  Whatever it is, Cecil has been coughing up a storm.  So, the keeper came home from work, surprised him with his pet carrier and hauled him off to Northgate Veterinary Clinic.  No temp.  No bad sounds in the stethoscope.  No coughing, of course. And no heart problems. So, they decided to treat him for a secondary infection that could be caused by viral bronchitis.  He gets an antibiotic shot and subcutaneous fluids.  He came home looking plumped up, like those chickens on tv.  Is he  getting better? Maybe.  We will see. He was happy to get home. I didn't even know he was gone because I got to stay outside while they were at the vet.

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