Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Explosions in the Climbing Maple

After the keeper got home from church, we all sat out on the deck with the papers and she suddenly stood up and crept over to the climbing maple at the west wall of the deck. She told us to listen. We had already listened to the sound of popcorn pop, pop, popping, inside the branches. She thought it was mice or birds. We knew, but we kept quiet. She kept her nose and her face really close to one of the vines and one of the little seeds popped on her face! Little seed pods, thousand of them, were popping open. They were depositing their seeds on the faces of the maple leaves, waiting for them to catch the wind and fly, or be eaten by birds and insects. Very cool! She was amazed that she had never in ten years, noticed this. Of course, she really hasn't been spending much time putting her nose in the plants those last ten years until lately.

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