Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

What a wonderful day we had. We finally got to spend the entire day outside and so did the keeper. We took turns sneaking out of the yard to explore the neighborhood, and Alice went was gone for over an hour and she was terrified when she came back. We are not telling the keeper where she went, and we will not share it with you either. She has slept the whole afternoon on the deck. While Alice was out running wild, the keeper saw a mother raccoon in the yard. She was digging in the garden and was not afraid of the keeper who chased her away anyway.
While we fooled around the keeper worked in the garden. She told us that she added some "texture" ??? to the front flowerbed. We saw her mound up more dirt and plant more flowers on it. The side front garden is all blue now, and it has blue flowers exploding everywhere, covering up the roses almost. She won't clean the birdbath though. She knows we drink out of it. But it would certainly help all the birds and the wild animals.
Then, the keeper started to work on her shade garden in the back. She cleared out more ivy and old vines and cleaned it up, and planted ferns and salal from the beach. She put in some rocks too. She says she wants to have a little shrine out there. OK, just as long as there is room for us to hide in the bushes still. She cleared away all of the smells we made to warn everyone we live here. SO we have to start all over again. SIGH.
Finally, she brought out popsicles and rested, sunburned and with a tired back and feet. she hauled out the free chairs she found in front of someone's house. They are supposed to be old and valuable. They look old, but they sure don't look valuable to us! They are metal and hard.
Before we had dinner she made us think about why we celebrated this holiday and all of the people who have died in wars and those whose bodies lived, but whose spirits have died because they were fighting in wars. She also said we needed to be mindful of the many innocent people killed, maimed, interned in all of these wars. We nodded, and decided that perhaps we will join Cats Against the Bomb. Then we had grilled chicken.

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